Your Hometown Recovery
Substance abuse and addiction treatment in Kansas City, MO.
When you’re ready for recovery, choose a program located right here in your hometown. At Midwest Recovery, we bring long-term, lasting recovery strategies to the Kansas City region. We’ve helped thousands of people recover using our unique extended care model.
Treatment at Midwest Recovery is centered around a client-first approach that emphasizes individual and group therapy and the 12-step framework. This means that no two recovery journeys at Midwest will be alike, and that individual clients will receive individualized treatment.
Extended care means that your journey at Midwest won’t end when you meet certain requirements or first get sober. Instead, we provide adequate time and support for all of our clients to truly change their mind, body, and spirit for the long term.
We believe that men and women face unique challenges when it comes to addiction recovery. That’s why we’ve created a dual track program that allows men to focus on their individual challenges and expectations around addiction, lifestyle, and professional and personal obligations. Our program helps men create a substance-free life that can last far beyond the boundaries of a treatment center.
Find out how Midwest Recovery Centers can help you take the next step towards sobriety today.
To learn more about Midwest Recovery Center and how we can help you recover, please contact us today.