Midwest Recovery Centers Blog

How Does Detox Work?
Read on as we go into detail about how detox works, including the timeline for detox, symptoms you may experience during the process, and critical steps after detox is complete.

How Does Meth Kill You?
Read on to learn why methamphetamine-involved drug overdoses are now the second-highest drug-involved overdose deaths, behind only synthetic opioids.

How Long Do Alcohol Cravings Last?
No matter the route a person takes on the road to recovery, it’s likely that they will encounter cravings to use again throughout the process. If you’ve been wondering how long alcohol cravings last during recovery, read on as we dig deeper into the topic.

Can You Overdose on Cocaine?
Once used as a medicinal “wonder drug” by the likes of Sigmund Freud and renowned physicians around the globe, cocaine is now one of the world’s most dangerous and abused drugs.

Can You Die from Benzodiazepine Withdrawal?
While it’s critical that people who are misusing benzos or have used them longer than the prescribed period stop using them, it is dangerous to stop using the drug “cold turkey.”

Is Codeine Addictive?
Many users wonder, “Is codeine addictive?” To help answer that question, we’re digging deeper into how the drug works, who is using it, why it’s so dangerous, and more.

What It’s Like to Quit Heroin: A Withdrawal Timeline
Given the prevalence of heroin use in this country and the importance of quitting such a dangerous drug, we wanted to clarify what someone might experience during that process with a quick snapshot of a heroin withdrawal timeline.

Signs of Marijuana Addiction and Abuse
To provide some context around the gravity of marijuana addiction and abuse we wanted to explore some of the more probing questions that a person abusing marijuana may be wondering.

Insomnia After Quitting Marijuana
While it may not be the most painful marijuana withdrawal symptom, the insomnia many now-former users experience can be incredibly uncomfortable and frustrating.

How to Stop Cravings for Marijuana
Preventing cravings from occurring and continuing one’s progress toward a life without marijuana is not easy—however, it is definitely doable.