Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine is a fast-acting drug that is one of the most popular illicit substances in the United States. The multi-phasal recovery program at Midwest Recovery helps cocaine users find the right phase of recovery for their needs and carefully guides them through a tiered approach to long-term sobriety.

What is cocaine addiction?

Cocaine is a commonly-used drug known for its stimulating effects which can include an elevated heart rate, a short-lived sense of energy or alertness, and a brief feeling of mental “sharpness.”

The drug causes these sensations by interacting with the brain to release dopamine, a pleasure chemical, that floods the brain and causes an artificial “high.”

Frequent users of cocaine quickly become tolerant to its effects and must consume higher and higher quantities for the same effect. This cycle can quickly lead to addiction and dependence.

Cocaine is commonly consumed through snorting into the nose, but can also be injected or smoked. The crystalline form of cocaine has been nicknamed “crack” for the noise it makes when smoked.

Unlike some longer-lasting drugs, cocaine’s effects are typically short-lived, ranging from 5 to 30 minutes at most depending upon how it is consumed. This short high can also lead users to take many doses over a short period of time, increasing their risk of an overdose.

Users who take cocaine habitually are subject to a variety of health risks, including:

  • Increased risk of diseases including Hepatitis C and HIV
  • Paranoia, hallucinations, and uncontrollable behavior
  • Damage to the nose, including bleeding or lack of the ability to smell
  • Risk of overdose, which can lead to heart attack or stroke

Long-term cocaine use can also damage the brain and make it more difficult for the body to stabilize and return to normal levels of dopamine production.

How is cocaine addiction treated?

As with most drugs, people who use heavy amounts of cocaine will experience withdrawal symptoms when the drug is no longer present in their bodies. Cocaine withdrawal is typically not dangerous but can lead to some physical and psychological complications, so it’s important to seek the advice of a physician and a trained withdrawal specialist before attempting to quit habitual cocaine use.

Among the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal include:

  • Exhaustion and lethargy
  • Lack of motivation or depression
  • Inability to sleep
  • Difficulty thinking or “clearing your head”

Once a cocaine user has safely transitioned through withdrawal, they will most often enter a licensed and accredited addiction treatment program, where they will undergo a series of therapies and treatments designed to help establish beneficial behaviors and practices for sobriety.

At Midwest, our personalized multi-phasal recovery program includes a series of steps that feature individual and group therapy, 12 step meetings, and fitness and nutrition.

Every cocaine user arrives at Midwest with different challenges as well as different goals for their recovery. Our multi-phasal program provides users treatment and therapy that matches both their current challenges and their long-term goals.

How does multi-phasal recovery help cocaine addiction?

Multi-phasal recovery is uniquely suited to cocaine addiction recovery because it provides users with a customizable treatment experience that matches their current level of addiction, as well as their goals for recovery and sobriety.

As the name suggests, Midwest’s multi-phasal program consists of three phases of treatment, including medically supervised detox, individual and group therapy, as well as daily 12 step meetings.

These three phases are designed to complement each other and help clients transition safely back to important commitments to careers, family and friends.

Multi-phasal recovery begins with Detox & Residential, which includes a medically supervised detox along with 56 hours per week of clinical services offering a wide range of therapeutic modalities, Phase I, which consists of intensive therapy and 12 step meetings, and transitions into Phase II, which can include up to nine months of continual structured housing, therapy and assistance returning back to regular commitments.

We know recovery is an ongoing process that requires tremendous effort and support. That’s why we’re here to help make the recovery process safe, comfortable, and transformational.

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